- James
- 06 February, 2024
- 1229
- 0
Real delivery
Delivered AAS packages
You can see bellow
packages that were successfully delivered to our Customers around the
world. Mostly USA and Europe.
Delivery time within the European Union is 3-5 working days. Delivery time to the States takes longer, 7-14 working days from our EU warehouses. We also have an US warehouse. Delivery within the US is within one week!
Please notice that due large number or orders there is an delay in preparing and sending packages from Europe warehouses! Time frame is 3-10 working days. Please be patient. We always send your orders. Preparing time in our US warehouse is within 24hours. For any details please contact James here.
Tags real, shippinf, delivery, safe, guaranteed, discrete, packageing, to usa